Thursday 28 February 2013

Floating island

           She gasped with excitement and shouted over the noise of the helicopter: "the islands in the sky are real!". Almost fainting of shock, Kathy dreamt about this day since the childhood story's her father told her. Fumbling around for her camera, the fog swooped in and was covering every thing. Almost as if something was protecting this sacred place. "Ma'am we have to leave vision is completely lost!" screamed the pilot, as the helicopter was turning around, back pressure of an outside force forced the propeller blade down and into the cockpit leaving the pilot headless. Plummeting towards the ground, twisting and turning, Kathy glimpses out of the window and sees a giant soaring shadow amidst the dense fog.

  A petite light flickers afar in pitch black nothingness. Cold, hard, slab of rock under her not so warm body, "Am I alive?" she asked herself knowing full well she sould be dead. "uit lib kquitnop noit"

Friday 15 February 2013

super power

           Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to have a super power it did not even matter what it was just something to stand out and not be like anyone else from flying to super sences it was always been a dream. Although, if I had to seriously choose the power that would be bestoed upon me it would have to be the power of meterial munipulation. Rock, metal, wood, plastic anything of my choosing, could change its entire molecular structure with the thought of my mind or the touch of a finger. I would have complete control of any situtation, keeping myself and others safe from any harm, or the opposite put complete harm and destruction on things and people who deserve it. End wars, or create them. With power comes great responsobility.